What is Reiki Healing Energy and How Can You Use It?

Here's an interesting fact...

Most people don't know what Reiki is.

And they don't know what healing energy, is or how to use it.

I would like to change that...  and in an effort to do so, I've created this page to clear up any confusion people have about the amazing gift of Reiki healing energy and how you can use it to heal any number of afflictions you may be experiencing...

The Secret of Universal Life Force Energy was Guarded by Buddhist Monks

We're surrounded by it.

It extends infinitely in every direction.

Universal life force energy is a gift that people have used for centuries.  But this gift has been kept secret by a sect of Esoteric Buddhism.

These Buddhist monks mastered the abilities to use energy for a variety of purposes, one of which is to heal.  However, they did not want to share their knowledge, so they would only teach their direct students who would spend a lifetime studying with them.  

Unfortunately, that has kept most people in the dark about this mystical energy until a monk by the name of Dr. Mikao Usui created the art of Reiki.

He used the principles of working with universal life force energy, specifically for healing purposes.  This is why it is often referred to today as "healing energy".

In a moment, I'm going to tell you how you can use this energy for healing.  But first I want you to understand how to connect with it.

You Must Call Reiki Energy into Your Palms

Before you can heal yourself or anyone else, you must connect with healing energy.

Reiki is an entire system that makes this simple, but I'll give you the basics here...

It's all about intention.

You must know what your body needs in order to heal it.  So let's start with what's obvious.  For example, it may be:

  • You are suffering from chronic pain
  • You can't let go of an emotional trauma
  • You are having difficulty sleeping

Once you know what you are trying to treat, you use your intention to connect with Reiki energy.  Some people verbally ask Reiki to come into their palms and heal them of whatever is bothering them.  Some people prefer to simply think it silently to themselves.

Either way is fine but the idea is you're setting your intention and asking Reiki for help.

You visualize the energy around you entering into your palms, and focus on how it feels.  Again, this experience is unique to the individual.

At this point you've connected with the healing energy, now as promised I will explain how you use it to heal.

Guide the Energy Using Your Intention

Reiki teaches the use of hand positions for all the major points on the body in which energy can be focused for healing purposes.

As a Reiki practitioner advances, she starts to rely more on intuition and less on strict hand positions.

But either way, the healer places her palms over certain areas of the body, depending on what needs to be healed, and guides the energy from her palms into the area while focusing on her intent to heal.

Visualization is key here...

As a Reiki healer, you use visualization techniques to focus your intent and allow the energy to heal.  For example, you may visualize energy filling your heart, or visualize yourself pulling out negative energy chords.  There are as many visualizations as there are illnesses.

When the session is over, you close your connection to Reiki by thanking it for it's help and allowing it to dissolve away from your hands.

A Quick Recap

1. Healing energy is all around us, and it has been kept secret until Dr. Usui created the art of Reiki.

2. You must call Reiki energy into your palms by using your intention.

3. You use hand positions or intuition to guide healing energy where it's needed.

4. You use visualization techniques to allow the energy to heal and remove negative energy.

5. You close your connection with Reiki, and thank it for it's help.

There it is...

And the beauty is that anyone can use Reiki... but it pays to know what you're doing.  

So if you'd like to use this incredible healing art, I suggest checking out Reiki Infinite Healer by Dave Nelson, which is probably the best course on the subject.

Until next time,
Reiki be with you.

Why I Practice Reiki, And Maybe You Should Too

Health is much more than just physical fitness or active living...

It involves the mind just as much the body... and keeping both in prime condition is paramount to an enriching and fulfilling life.

I first learnt Reiki when I was just a teenager nearing the end of my adolescent life. At the time, I wasn’t all that bothered with my fitness, mental nor physical, much like the rest of my inner circle of friends. 

However, it was my nana, who I glimpsed practicing Reiki one fine afternoon - on our ritualistic annual visit to her cozy countryside residence – and as they say, rest is history.

She taught me Reiki as a means to self-fulfillment...

More than just the practice of healing the body. 

That summer visit remains etched in my memory as it transformed me into an adult, one who cared for his health above all else. 

I understood that health encompasses more than just the mind and body. Being physically fit obviously helps, but it's just as important to stay clear of detrimental habits like 
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Overeating
Likewise, staying happy and clam is necessary for mental health as much as being generous, caring and forgiving.

Reiki is a practice of self-healing that prevents anyone from doing harm through it

In fact, when one starts learning the art, it is made clear that any intention of using Reiki for causing harm, either physical, emotional or mental will not have any results. 

In other words, whoever practices Reiki often tends to harbor only positivity towards one and all. 

When I started, I underwent a gradual transformation from a sensitive, often touchy adolescent to a more patient, thoughtful and caring adult. 

Something about...
  • Healing another human being...
  • Giving them energy so they may recover...
  • Helping them feel better...
Automatically triggers these developments in Reiki practitioners – experienced and new alike.

If you haven’t ever felt the healing power of Reiki or tried it yourself, give it a go – you really have nothing to lose.

In fact, you might be surprised by just how relaxing the learning process actually is. 

I've recently linked to some reviews for Reiki Infinite Healer that I recommend checking out if you want to learn.

By the time you become a master, you would have helped not just yourself but countless souls around you. 

I'll leave you with this...

The meaning of Reiki in Japanese is “Universal Life Force”.

Create Peaceful Bliss With Reiki Music

Allow me to introduce you to one of the most amazing benefits of Reiki...

Inner peace

Reiki isn't just for treating the body... If you want to heal or nurture the mind it can be an essential tool.

It can be used for any of the following...

  • Helping you get a better night's sleep...
  • Melting away the stress of modern life...
  • Feeling the joy of inner peace and happiness

Relieve Stress With Reiki Music

Reiki music is an excellent tool to help you get the most out of Reiki when you want to lower your stress.

So make yourself comfortable, click play on the video above, and let the calming Reiki music wash over you, dissolve your stress, and leave you with a feeling of pure inner calmness...

If you would like to know more about Reiki and how you can learn this sacred healing art, I recommend reading these Reiki Infinite Healer home course reviews.

Reiki Infinite Healer Reviews from Around the Web

Have you ever wanted to heal yourself or someone you care about?

The following Reiki Infinite Healer reviews give you the  scoop on the home course by Dave Nelson.

First let's take look at what reiki does.  Reiki uses universal energy to...

  • Reduce chronic pain
  • Treat digestive disorders like IBS
  • Relieve stress
  • Treat mental problems
  • And treat a wide range of other medical issues

The Reiki Infinite Healer course promises to teach you how to use reiki to achieve these benefits.

But how do it's claims stack up?

The Reiki Infinite Healer Course

The reviews on Reiki Infinite Healer that we found were all amazingly overall.  If you'd like to read them now, you can skip ahead to the next section.

Reiki Master, Dave Nelson, designed the course to teach you reiki in three parts.  Each part corresponds to one of the levels of reiki.

To begin, Mr. Nelson gives you an introduction to reiki and quickly dives into the nitty gritty of how to perform reiki treatments on yourself or others.  This part is accompanied by an instructional video of a reiki master performing the treatment.  It also comes with a set of flash cards that helps you learn the hand positions.

The course then moves on to other aspects of reiki, such as using meditation as a healing tool and healing groups of people at the same time.

There are plenty of reviews that go into a lot of detail on the course, so I'll end just by giving you my own opinion of the course...

I think Dave Nelson as put together an extraordinary system.  As a 3rd degree Master, I agree with everything in the books, and I even learned a lot from them too.  If you're looking heal yourself naturally, I highly recommend learning reiki using this system.

Check out Reiki Infinite Healer for yourself: www.reikiinfinitehealer.com

Most Helpful Reviews

Here is a collection of the most helpful reviews of Reiki Infinite Healer from around the web:

Marissa: “ From The first day of beginning the course, I instantly felt my purpose. This is Definitely where I belonged...”  
Read review

Jason Fields: “A visit to the doctors two months in proved that I was getting better...” 
Read review

Laura Asher:  “By the end of the first part I knew how I could eventually help my customers with varying problems, integrating [Reiki] into massage therapy...”   
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